Legal informations


The www.switchlite.fr and switchlite.eu websites are the property of SWITCH LITE DISTRIBUTION SAS with a capital of €50,000,

Registration 978 066 025 at the Pontoise Trade and Companies Register

SIRET 97806602500013

Intracom VAT number. FR79978066025

Headquarters and Contact:

ZAC Entrée Sud de Gonesse, 1 rue Jean Mermoz, 95500 Gonesse, France

Tel: +33 (0) 1 30 11 11 88



Director of publication: Gilles Gresles



Privacy Policy:

We only collect your personal data in order to serve you better and to offer you more appropriate services.

In accordance with the law, you have the option to request access to or deletion of your personal data at any time. Contact us for this on: contact@switchlite.fr

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